Podcasters Across Borders (PAB) 2008

PAB 2008It's hard to find a conference dedicated to podcasting, especially in Canada. The best I've been able to find on the left coast are occasional presentations at venues like Northern Voice or Net Squared Tuesday. Back East, there's Podcasters Across Borders. I wanted to go this year, but couldn't justify the travel costs (and I think I made a mistake).

But there's good news, the presentations were taped and posted online:

And I'm having a blast listening to them!

Anyone that listens to the Canadian Podcast Buffet knows there's a strong podcasting community back East. The conference podcasts certainly can't reproduce the face-to-face goodness that conference goers experienced. But, as the saying goes, they're the next best thing and well worth a listen in their own right.

If you have any interest in podcasting I strongly recommend checking them out.

And props to organizers Bob Goyetche and Mark Blevis. Awesome presentation choices, guys!


Thanks for the mention Dale, glad to see you're enjoying the content, hope you can join us in person next year for PAB09!

We looked at doing a PAB-west at some point, and I'm not saying it won't happen one day, it's just that we really put a lot of effort into it (read: we're control freaks), and felt we couldn't do justice to our ideas/values from thousands of kms away...

Also, keeping it in exactly the same spot from year to year keeps people from getting lost ;)


You and Mark doing a PAB-West would be awesome, but I'm betting it would kill you! I can't imagine trying to organize a volunteer conference from across the country. And given the strong community back east, I think you'd mess the local dynamic up if you skipped a year back there. So I completely understand why you haven't done it!!!

My hope is we westerners can come together enough for a barcamp style "podcamp" event and start bringing the community out here together. A few of us have been kicking around the idea, but it hasn't germinated yet.