
The Examples for Developers Module

An example, like a picture, is worth 1000 words. Until recently Drupal programming examples existed but were spread among documentation pages, blog posts, and the Drupal CVS repository; some searching required. That changed in late 2009 with the introduction of the Examples for Developers module. Its purpose: "to provide high-quality, well-documented API examples for a broad range of Drupal core functionality". Now you can find high-quality, working Drupal 6 and 7 code examples in one place, many with SimpleTests.

"Drupal SEO" from Drupal Camp Victoria 2008

Simon Vreeswijk of North Studio presents Drupal SEO and Internet Marketing at Drupal Camp Victoria 2008. In this session Simon discusses optimizing and tailoring your Drupal site to rock the search engines, including things to avoid, things to do, and general SEO tips.

DCVic08: Drupal SEO

"Introduction to Module Development" from Drupal Camp Victoria 2008

Nedjo Rogers presents Introduction to Module Development at Drupal Camp Victoria 2008. In this session Nedjo gives the basics of writing a module and some techniques to jump-start development.

DCVic08: Introduction to Module Development

The video can also be viewed directly: DCVic08 Introduction to Module Development at

For a summary of Drupal Camp Victoria check out: Drupal Camp Victoria 2008.

New Zend Podcast: PHP Abstract

Zend has a new PHP Developer Podcast called PHP Abstract:

PHP Abstract LogoEach episode features a different special guest bringing you their expertise, compressed into a five to seven minute package.

We will be covering a broad range of topics. From security to project planning and hiring good developers and much more.

Their first podcast, PHP Abstract Episode 1 - PHP Security Tips, featured Eli White. What a relief to have someone skip over the same rehashed security material into things less commonly talk about.

Off to a good start in my books. At under 10 minutes a shot I'll be subscribing to check them out. (And have already suggested Dries as a great guest choice! ;)

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