
MacBook Pro FireWire 400 / 800 Conversion

Getting the latest greatest piece of personal electronics is mostly a happy occasion, but there can be "moments". I recently replaced my circa 2003 MacBook Pro with the current MacBook hotness, which included a switch-up from FireWire 400 to FireWire 800. But wait, my mini-DV camera is FireWire 400; will my old camera talk to my new MacBook? The joy of playing with iMovie 2009 was tempered by the thought I might not have any footage to edit.

Video Sharing Implementation Discussion

An interesting post at Open Academic on doing video in a variety of CMSs, including Drupal:

DIY: Private Video Sharing for a school, a district, or an organization

Live Video From Parliment

Seen at, the Feds are streaming live video feeds from the House of Commons and other meetings: Choices of various streaming rates, audio only, and language (English/French).

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Drupal 5 Overview Video

Awakening Voice Screencast Screen ShotAs highlighted by Dries and flagged in the Drupal forums, a Tour of Drupal 5 videocast by Awakened Voice.

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