Submitted by Dale on December 11, 2008 - 3:40pm
Registion for Podcasters Across Borders 2009 is off to an early start: PAB2009 early registration now open! It's being held June 19-21 in Kingston, Ontario.
PAB is an east coast podcaster's conference with an emphasis on community. It's organized by the personalities behind the Canadian Podcast Buffet, Bob Goyetche and Mark Blevis.
Back in September I blogged about Podcasters Across Borders (PAB) 2008. I wanted to go but let the opportunity pass. After listening to the 2008 sessions I vowed I would go in 2009. With all the economic uncertainty I'm back to thinking very hard about it, though still more for than against.
Anyone else from the Vancouver area thinking of going?
Submitted by Dale on September 1, 2008 - 11:14pm
It's hard to find a conference dedicated to podcasting, especially in Canada. The best I've been able to find on the left coast are occasional presentations at venues like Northern Voice or Net Squared Tuesday. Back East, there's Podcasters Across Borders. I wanted to go this year, but couldn't justify the travel costs (and I think I made a mistake).
But there's good news, the presentations were taped and posted online:
And I'm having a blast listening to them!
Anyone that listens to the Canadian Podcast Buffet knows there's a strong podcasting community back East. The conference podcasts certainly can't reproduce the face-to-face goodness that conference goers experienced. But, as the saying goes, they're the next best thing and well worth a listen in their own right.
If you have any interest in podcasting I strongly recommend checking them out.
And props to organizers Bob Goyetche and Mark Blevis. Awesome presentation choices, guys!
Submitted by Dale on August 15, 2008 - 11:30pm
The Samson Zoom H2 digital recorder allows 2 channel recording from external sources but uses a consumer 1/8" stereo jack for input. Even though it has those independent channels the standard microphone cabling options only allow for connection of a single device. It makes one envious of those Zoom H4 owners and their two individual input jacks. Fortunately there's a simple non-standard cable option for dual mono channel recording!

Alleged stereo/mono adaptor. Didn't work.
This is purely an electrical problem, we need a cable or adaptor that splits the 1/8" stereo jack's connections into 2 - 1/8" mono jacks. Those of you comfortable with a soldering iron could put together a cable like this in 15 minutes. It's been around 15 years since I've done any component soldering so I opted for a purchased solution.
A stereo to dual-mono adaptor seems like a no-brainer, but be careful. I thought I'd found one fitting the description at a local electronics supply store, but in spite of the correct textual description the adaptor wasn't wired the way I though it was (They really need to include schematic diagrams).
My solution was slightly different. Using a stereo 1/8" plug to dual RCA connector cable as a starting point I knew I had the left and right audio channels properly separated. To complete the cable all I needed was RCA to 1/8" jack adaptors. An additional advantage of this cable over an adaptor plug is the cable doesn't stick out as far from the side.

This cable is field tested and works like a charm with my Zoom H2. I've recorded "two microphone" interviews with great results.
Submitted by Dale on August 5, 2008 - 1:18pm
A company named celtx has released version 1.0 of their free (and open source) scriptwriting software of the same name. The website is a little plain-jane, go to the Features Tour page for videos of what the software can do.
I've downloaded and played around with it a little bit. They've included a couple of samples projects so you have some real stuff to check it out with. Looking good so far!
It supports the following formats:
- Screenplay
- Stage Play (international and US standard)
- AV scripts (documentaries, music videos and advertising)
- Audio Play (radio plays and podcasts)
- Comic Book
- Plain Text
But it's more than just formatting, it also does story boarding, tracks characters and does scene breakdowns. A full set of features listed here:
Although Celtx isn't overtly intended for book writing some of the tools look like they could be useful for book authors. If you've ever wished for tracking tools it might be worth checking out. The caveat is your working style needs to match the celtx workflow .
celtx also has online publishing and collaboration services, which where they make their money. One of the more intriguing services is the ability to view a project via an iPhone.
I'm looking forward to trying some real work on a podcast project to see if there's some substance to the flash.
Tip of the hat to Podcasting News (Free Open Source Scriptwriting Software).
Submitted by Dale on July 9, 2008 - 4:34pm
Submitted by Dale on July 3, 2008 - 10:50am
Chris S. Penn has released The 8 Step Guide to Podcast Marketing Basics as both a PDF and MP3 audio book.
Don't let the "Marketing" in the title throw you off. The advice covers getting listeners. Period. For example, "Can you find your podcast easily". Seemingly obvious, but it's easily forgetten in the myriad of details. And for the people who seriously want to build audience or meet tangible goals, there's a couple of tips on how to start. It's a quick read, so also makes a decent checklist for those wanting to review their setup.
Tip of the hat to Podcast News.
Submitted by Dale on July 2, 2008 - 2:31pm
Derek Miller at Inside Home Recording has a great video piece on how he produces his wife's podcast: IHR TV #3 - Podcast Audio Production. It's specific to the equipment he uses, not a general tutorial, but this provides a focus and conciseness I like. As long as you can extrapolate how to mix and match you'll be able to adapt the technique just fine.
Submitted by Dale on July 2, 2008 - 12:23pm
Here's an event budding podcasters might be interested in:

What: Net Tuesday4 - Podcasting for Social Change
When: Tuesday, July 8, 2008 5:30 PM!
Where: WorkSpace
400, 21 Water St.
Vancouver BC
V6B 1A1
More: Meetup, Facebook Event
Sponsors: Communicopia, Social Signal, and WorkSpace
Topic: Ways Non-profits/Social Change orgs can use podcasts to spread their message
Three ways:
1) publishing conferences and repurposing stuff you are already making
2) event and campaign crowd coverage (including micro podcasting i.e. utterz)
3) special reports interviews etc.
To make it easy, we’ll cover:
1) planning
2) producing tips (with toys to demo)
3) publishing/promoting
dave olson - moderator/podcaster
john bollwitt - podcaster and audio engineer
rob cottingham - social change technologist
roland tanglao - mobile pundit and tech-evangelist
Cross-posted at Digital Doodles
iPod Graphic by ~deleket
Submitted by Dale on April 15, 2008 - 10:48pm
The Open Web Vancouver Conference, sponsored by the Vancouver PHP User Association, has wrapped up. And we have it on tape! And hard drive. And SD Card. And burned to DVD.
A team of volunteers (volunteers and organizers were designated with happy faces on their badges ... We few, we happy few, we band of brothers) lead by yours truly recorded the conference and we now have around 32 hours of audio and video to process! Barring unforeseen circumstances they'll be coming to a podcast near you very soon.
The only downside to the conference was getting up so early in the morning to get there! I've never exactly been a morning person, and working from home has taken me out of the early morning habit. It's not that late and my brain is shutting down. I've been sitting here for the last thirty or minutes trying to put together some coherent thoughts about the conference and failing miserably. So I'm going to point you to the much superior live blogging of the keynotes from Vancouver's Miss 604, Rebecca Bolwitt, in her mild mannered work disguise:
Added conference bonus, I got to bring home a PHP elephant mascot. Not that I need another plush toy, but how could I resist?!
Submitted by Dale on February 4, 2008 - 1:48pm