theme variables

Eliminating Conditional Stylesheets - An Alternative Approach to Browser Specific CSS

Note: It's worth reading through the comments on this post, this technique isn't as useful as it first appears - Dale, Feb 18/09

Drupal 6 Template Variables - Going to the Source

The addition of preprocessor functions to Drupal 6 makes customizing template variables straightforward and clean (bravo to everyone who made this happen!). Have you ever wondered where the variables come from? It's actually helpful knowing, even if you're a themer with basic PHP knowledge.

Some reasons why:

Theme Variable Total Visibility

Need to know absolutely, positively, and without-a-doubt what theming variables are available to your template? Here's a trick for total visibility.

In my previous post, Take Control of Your PHPTemplate Variables, I described the _phptemplate_variables function in template.php. It's passed a parameter named $vars which is an associative array of all the variables that will be created in the template . . . which is exactly what we're looking for!

Since _phptemplate_variables allows us to create theme variables, we have a simple way to get the $vars data into the template where we can look at it. Just put the following code in your template.php file:

function _phptemplate_variables($hook, $vars) {
  return array('vars_data' => $vars);

And the following code in your template file:

Template Theme Variables

[Update 2007-Apr-29: Please also see the article Theme Variable Total Visibility]

Have you ever wanted to know what variables the phptemplate engine made to the node or page templates? "Use the source, Luke" (Couldn't resist). The way of finding the definitive answer was discussed in Drupal Dojo today.

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